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Squirrel's Avatar
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21-03-2011, 08:55 AM   #1

Bright and Sunny Monday...

So, the sun is making a lovely day of it out there... Which is lovely on some levels. Others, not so much...

I can't wait for my' Dad to manage to find time in his scedual to fit my black out blind... Bright and early I hear madame mewing, and she keeps on, though it's obvious I'm not responding too much. Eventually I open the door to let her out into the hall, but that only works so long, and in the end I resort to the lazer light... which helps some.

Shouldn't really complain too much I guess, 6:30 isn't as early as it could have been, but I wasn't planning on waking up til 7, and I'm working today... Oh Cloudly!!!

Meantime, i guess I should just enjoy the sun, even if it does mean that I was woken even more early than usual.

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pamela81's Avatar
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21-03-2011, 09:47 AM   #2

Re: Bright and Sunny Monday...

morning squirrel and everyone to follow. Sorry to hear cloud hd you up early Squirrel. I managed to lay in until 745am today then had to get up as ive been trying to enter a radio comp for a while so had to phone in at the right time, still not got through but no one has given the right annswer yet so will keep trying

I hope you can get your blind fitted, waking up to the sun is great but not when it wakes you up before your alarm does!

Not much planned for today. Got another interview at 2pm then off for a walk with OH around Kilsyth coloseum which also has a pet cemetry in it.

Have a good day

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angieh's Avatar
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21-03-2011, 11:45 AM   #3

Re: Bright and Sunny Monday...

Morning Squirrel and Pamela and all to follow - gloriously sunny here now after a cloudy start. The black out blind sounds just the thing to keep little Cloud asleep a wee bit longer. Good luck with your interview pamela, I have my fingers crossed for you.

I am meeting a friend for lunch just up the road at Stansted and then we are coming back here to look at her photos of a recent trip to Venice and for me to try and guide her through putting a family tree on Ancestry. She has traced her hubby's family who were originally from Ireland but at least one branch emigrated to USA and one became a General in the Civil War - so it's all rather interesting.

I keep sending positive thoughts to Eileen and hope that she is improving.

Have a good day everyone.

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Squirrel's Avatar
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21-03-2011, 04:36 PM   #4

Re: Bright and Sunny Monday...

Hi Pamela and Angie...

Hope the interview went well Pamela, and that you had a good lunch out Angie..

Am now at my parents as I've a few jobs to do that are easier from here, and I know that if I went home I'd never get out on time to get them done as well as everything else. Poor cloud will have to make do with me beign home late.

And my head is so good I almost said hello to Eileen, cause Angie mentioned her last thing in her post...

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21-03-2011, 05:21 PM   #5

Re: Bright and Sunny Monday...

afternoon all, feeling so tired. These dogs are wearing me out, also had my eldest son to stay and he talks ten to the dozen, my ears are fit to burst. Still peace reins for a short while, James has gone to catch his bus, the dogs and cats are all asleep.
Nice morning at work, i finish my job next thur, the manager has asked will i do a few hours casual for a couple of weeks in april.
Booked a dental appointment for wed, dr's fri and vets fri with Kwame.
Pamela hope your interview goes well and you enjoy your walk.
Kate i can sympathise about your early mornings, Kwame gets up for breakfast at 6.30.
Angie hope you had a nice lunch with your friend.
Here's hoping Eileen is well enough to come home today.

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MrsH's Avatar
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21-03-2011, 06:27 PM   #6

Re: Bright and Sunny Monday...

Had a rotten headache most of the day, broken night's sleep for some reason last night. Work first thing then back home and pottering around, OH decided to clean the outside of the windows today as it's been bright and sunny and showed up all the muck! I hate him going up the ladders and stretching across to clean our quite wide windows. Now he's getting on a bit I think it's time to find a window cleaner and pay someone else to do them. Trouble is there are no window cleaners round here, no-one wants the work, a couple of times people have set up a business but then given up, too much like hard work!

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Squirrel's Avatar
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21-03-2011, 06:51 PM   #7

Re: Bright and Sunny Monday...

Hey there Shelley. Sorry to hear that you're feeling so tired. *hugs* And same for the work stuff. Hopefully dogs won't need you to be constantly with/at them soon - and that Kwame stops waking you at silly oclock for food!

MrsH - that headache doesn't sound good, nor does the lack of window cleaners. *more hugs to you*

In other news, my Dad has said he'll fit the black out blind he's got for me this evening, so that should help with my early hours!

Thoughts with you all.

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