Well, we love it!
Don't want to sound too evangelical but this has actually made a small but significant change (for the better) to our lives - honest!
Before we had it, 2 humans and 2 cats used to all sleep in our bed. I felt it mean to banish the cats, as I thought they would feel the cold, after they had grown used to sleeping with us. So, no-one slept as well as they could have, and we were usually awake, with Tizzie crying for her breakfast any time from 5am
With the snugglesafe she sleeps in the kitchen, in a warm basket, under the wall hung boiler. She has a big portion of dried food as she is put to bed, and is able to eat these in her own time, as pig-face (Mini
) is still upstairs. That means she gets a fuller belly than would otherwise be possible and therefore sleeps well. She is still snoozing when we now wake up and go downstairs at 7.30. Result!
and, if it's a cold day, your mum heats it up again and you luxuriate on it all day too!