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13-12-2022, 08:47 AM   #1

Dreadful Tuesday

Hi ladies
Another very hot day here at 26degrees. I didn't feel any of it though, coz guess where I was again ? Yeah......in the hospital from 4am this morning.My heart went haywire again last night, my ears and head were pounding, my BP was really high again, and I started shaking all over with body tremors that I couldn't control. I rang an ambulance at 4am and away I went again. This time, after ECGs, blood tests and BP checks, the doctors told me they really thought it was the new medication. I have to go back and see Dr McClean ASAP, but in the meantime the hospital took me off one of the new meds and go back to my old one. It may take a while for things to settle down though.. I've taken the old meds tonight for the first time, I've send my discharge notes to Dr McClean who unfortunately is away at a conference.The doctor I saw at the hospital is also going to write to him.Another night last night with no sleep for me or Janna. I'm not tired though, and if I don't sleep tonight, then I'll get up and read a book in the lounge. I'll let you know how I get on.

SHELLEY, what a horrid day you had as well. I hate it when my pets have to be left at the vets alone, but at least it's over now. The poor girl may have had toothache with that fractured tooth, so it's best taken out. She'll have a lovely set of pearly whites now, and it's got to be a good sign that she ate her tea when you got her home, then went to sleep. I know how worried you must have been though. Hope your throat is feeling much better now.

PAMELA, how are you, Steven and the pups and cats ? It sounds like a good idea to go back to working 5 days next year and at least you'll finish earlier. I bet you worry about the dogs when neither of you are there, and they're home alone. I know the dog walker does let them out, but 5 hours to be inside is too long if you want to avoid wee accidents. Have you managed to find something nice for your young niece yet ? Poor Steven, leaving all his shopping until the last minute.You might have to give him a bit of a hand, Pamela.

Well ladies, I'm off now to take the cats outside for a bit. The birds have all gone now. It's gone cooler now, thank goodness. Just heard on the news that the UK is experiencing very cold weather at the moment. and that it was -15 in Scotland recently. Hope you are both wrapping up warmly and coping with it.

Have a super Tuesday Pamela and Shelley.
Love to all Catsey cats, dogs and their guardians.

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14-12-2022, 10:34 AM   #2

Re: Dreadful Tuesday

Goodness me Dinky how awful for you.
These Dr's are quick to hand out powerful drugs but not check what effect they have on you.
I do hope you get to see him soon.
I'm not feeling well again, I've had 3 days were I felt good and now not well again.
Deveoped a cough and feel Dreadful, doesn't help that it's so cold.
Pamela, how are you and Steven doing?
Do you have snow?

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14-12-2022, 09:16 PM   #3

Re: Dreadful Tuesday

Evening ladies,

Dinky, how are you feeling? I do hope you are feeling better. It must be horrible having such awful side effects from medication. I do hope there is something that can be done to stop them. Hopefully you manage to get some sleep as you will be exhausted.

Shelley, how is Malaika? I hope she has recovered from her vet stay. I really dont like leaving mine there. I do hope you feel better soon. Plenty of rest so you are ready for christmas.

I have had 2 poorly pets. Barney was being sick yesterday bit has settled down then we got up to more this morning and thought it was Barney but turns out it was more than likely Mia as she has been sick quite a few times today. Starved her until tonight but she couldnt keep her dinner of chicken and rice down so will keep an eye on how she is tomorrow but she is more settled and hasnt been sick in a few hours now. I think it is the salt and grit on teh paths. Steven had to take her and Barney home after about a 10min walk this morning as they were both limping because of it. Robyn so far seems fine with teh path conditions. We havent had snow but we have had a heavy frost a few days this week and it has been -9 at times. My pond is frozen over with mounds of ice on the top. Thankfully the fish should go into a hibernation state just now and there is still water movement under the ice due to the filter pipe being out of the water but in the pond. ALso cant break or remove the ice as it could shock the fish so need to leave it until it starts to defrost.

I start my new hours on the 9th January as i want to take full advantage of my day off until the new year so i get more time off over the festive period and i am not going back into the office until the 9th.

Not really much else to update on.

Take care ladies and i hope you are both feeling better

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