Putting rubbish in the car today and thought to myself that dog looks like mine looked again and it was well actually both of them..... My sister had come in the side gate and somehow the dogs wandered out.....one whistle and they were back to me.
Mind you I think they may have been looking for me.
But both had no collars on.
As they came over to me instead of going in the house both sat in the back of the car on top of the rubbish bags..........hopeful as ever for a walk in the offing.
But it was slightly risky as Tess and now Sal are both in season.....
they are never out on their own. Mind you I live in a cul de sac and on the end so all they did was wander out the back gate down the side to the back where I was. And it was about early afternoon and so quiet due to the piouring rain. Only idiots like me were out.