Moosey has to have a big op tomorrow, Im very worried about him. His lower canines have grown way bigger than they should, they are HUGE and have consequently pushed the skin underneath the nose upwards, effectively blocking his nose. His breathing noises are awful, his new name is "Tassimo" as he sounds like a coffee percolator!
The Vets havent known this before, its like his bottom canines continue to grow, why, nobody knows, but its at the point where something needs to be done. The only real option is removing those two canines. Sounds easy enough but, removing such large healthy teeth in a Cat brings a huge risk of breaking his jaw, something I am so worried about, but given the way he is there appears to be no other option. Removing these teeth should then allow the skin to fall normally again and his nostrils will be able to open properly again.
He has seen one Vet and two others at the Veterinary hospital will look at him tomorrow to see if there is any other options, and if they think this can be done successfully, but obviouly I am aware of the risks.
So spare a thought for the little chap.