[copied from daily thread Saturday] Just back from the Cat-show. A whole row of Abys this
time, so tough competition. Rover got a third in the Open, and a first, a second and a third
in the side-classes. Was boiling hot, though. First time I've arranged for a fan for a short-hair.
Cory was well out of it, the Persian-aisle was the hottest - and they're not exactly dressed for
the desert... Won't go that far again - Both Rover and I are well and truly knackered.[/copy]
So, how do I keep my slender figure and charming attitude that
make me the stunning show-cat I am? A strenuous routine of exercises,
good nourishing food (such as lawn-flies and grass - we've covered that
already) and mental balancing.
This is a combined pose that includes the imporant
sunning-of-belly-fluff-and-feet with the reclined version
of the leap over the back wall you may one day make
while chasing that minx of a white-and-tortoise out of
your personal garden.
She at the end of my tether threatened to not let me off the
lead ever again after that. I chased the intruder all the way
into another garden where I have never been before, which
was quite scar...*interesting* and then out and over the next
little road where I found this wild-eyed, "Rover!!" calling monster
running my way. To save my valuable (see the number of judges
I've stunned in this and previous chronicles) skin, I ran right back
and found my own back-road (no *not* by accident! I knew
where I was the whole time! I was *not* crying at all!) So I
could saunter back into my own garden just after lead-end had
begun to wonder if it was time to panic.
[Ed - That wall is as tall as I am - six foot - and has broken glass
on top. Very glad they both cleared it without touching down, and
WOW! what a jump!]
To keep your coat in trim, roll in the dustiest place you can find.
This is me in the neighbour-lady's davenport. It has a fine quality of sand that turns
me into a fawn aby, just like my dad but blotchier. This makes the two-leggers get the
brush and comb, so I get plenty of circulation-boosts first from avoiding them, then
from the grooming. Chewing on the one while they use the other keeps my teeth in trim
as well for that showkitty-gleam smile.
Another way is shadow-boxing.
Get up on top of that thing they stare at while making that silly board click with their fingers
and then catch the birds and things on the front of it. Nice bonding exercise as your pet
will first object when you take off from the board thing, and then they will happily play with you
trying to see around or through your paw.
Falling asleep on the edge with one paw dangling over the edge is also popular.
Practice your victory dance as well.
She calls this my conga-line move. Being old, she's seen a Disney cartoon with fish doing
a conga-line and she's apparently lived somewhere where people do the same as parties.
*I* know that this is all part of the Jive-kitty life-style. Just remember to throw your hip
one way and *stretch* those hind legs, one at a time, two , three.
And this is the glorious end-result in all my stretched-out glory. Note the smug smile.
She said I won all the prettiest-coloured rosettes this time. All look sort of grey to me, but she
winces at the colours of some of the old ones. Whatever keeps your pet happy, I guess.