ive sent him to bed. he had a massive punch up with a neighbours cat. went tear a$$ing through the carpark. (luckily no cars) then proceeded to try n rip each other to bits. loads of noise. other nieghbours little dog came scampering up to *help* so picked her up and gave her back to owner.
managed after a struggle to get hold of a furious reggie. i got claw marks on my arm as thanx
carried him back home. was telling him what a disapoinment he is to me. ronnies also out in the carpark. hes rolling around doing the *look at me* im good, so scooped him up. so got 2 struggling cats now.
ronnie i put on the fence, bring reggie in. and shut him in the bedroom. hes now grounded.
and my arms hurts.

my god they can be as bad as kids. think i embarrased reggie in front of the other cats. lol