Hi all. As you know Posh had her spay op last Thursday. All was going well but today she's very sleepy and feels hot. She's not an active cat at the best of times but she just wants to curl up in a ball. I've been in work but my OH said she's eaten and taken water. Now I've noticed a fluid collection alongside the nipple line on her left side, the nipples aren't red but her skin is quite flushed where they shaved her pre-op. The wound is intact, sutures are clean and the scar is forming nicely, no pus. Could she be having mastitis? I phoned the on-call vet, he's not too worried as she's been eating and drinking; not used her litter tray yet today though. Any ideas?
She's not crying in pain, seems happy to snuggle up to me.
Am I just being overfussy ?