Recent resident, white stock dove, found sitting on the ground in residential garden at 9pm one evening Oct' 2014; weak, wasted, and unable to eat. Classic symptoms of PMV (no balance, mild tremors, thirsty, unable to fly without crashing, food comes flying out of crop and unable to swallow food, tries but stumbles and falls backward all the time).
All birds with pmv need one2one care for at least 6 weeks, they must have quietness and warmth, not something a rescue centre can offer...often the neurological effects of the pmv stay with them for the rest of their lives. However, this one has now recovered with very little ill effects, apart from the odd runny poo when he is excited.

He is a darling, sweet boy and after speaking to a few pigeon people we have deduced he is probably an unloved wedding release pigeon (poorly trained and cared for in this instance, although many are responsibly cared for) as he was hanging around with his flock all summer at a residential dwelling, the flock have now disappeared one by one, some poorly, some picked off by resident hawks. There are just 3 left. So just letting him go where I found him when the weather warms up was sadly just not an option, were it that simple!! He is a homing pigeon and he would need many weeks of training to return home, if I were to let him go now he would be lost and would last a few days at best. I have not bonded with him, mainly because with all birds rehab and release is the preferred outcome, and these birds can get attached quite strongly to their carer, however, he is young and should bond with other birds well when he goes to his forever home.
After many months of trying he now has a forever home (yaay!) lined up for the spring where he will be safe, be able to fully stretch his wings, and be with other white (and coloured) pigeons for the rest of his life.
Proudly showing off his 'man ruffle'.