Can't believe she has been here two years today .... my OH and I were remembering going to collect her on a similarly damp and chilly day from Lurcher SOS HQ in Surrey. She'd been brought over from Ireland with her mother and brother and sister to be saved from being PTS. Her brother and sister were also taken in and we bought her mum to be fostered by the dog trainer we go to and then we bought Dora home. She was hard work to begin with, having only lived outside in a kennel and so house training wasn't as easy as it had been with Monty. We originally were only going to foster her over Christmas but she was such a nice natured girl (and still is) and got on very well with Monty that it wasn't long before the adoption papers were signed.
Here she is today:
And here she was in the same chair two years ago:
She is still a bit of a handful but we live in hope that she will calm down a bit SOON. She received a "Most Improved" award at our dog training class Christmas party last week and although I can't actually believe that she deserved the award, I must trust our dog trainer!!!