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10-12-2021, 05:54 AM   #1

Friday daily

Hi everyone.
Friday early evening here and it's been overcast all day with a slight drizzle. I like this kind of weather where it's not too hot. My knees haven't been so bad today (touch wood ) and so I went to the local vege shop and bought some blueberries and strawberries as well as some fresh peas which were on special.I've just spent the day messing around, cutting a few more wee matts off Betsey and talking to Jack and Vera on the back lawn.I've also been thinking of my xmas menu and decided not to do a fruit flan after all. I think a Dragon's Breath and a pavlova will be more than enough sweet stuff. Might do a fruit flan for New Years day.

Dickens hasn't been too bad today. He's been sleeping all stretched out on the couch in the kitchen for most of the day and he actually looks very relaxed and comfortable. It's the first time in ages that he's been able to really sleep for any length of time. I didn't give him a pill this morning , but I'll give him one soon. Perhaps he might be better on just one a day now, rather than two.

Brenna has just told me that Paddy, my son, is coming to Christchurch on 7th January for a couple of nights. to do some sort of croquet DVD. He told her not to tell me because he wants it to be a surprise. i have no room to have him stay here, as my cousin's stuff is piled in my spare bedroom and the cats have the second bedroom at night.Hopefully Brenna can put him up for the two nights he will be here, as her new house is really huge. I hope everything goes smoothly.

We're having a toasted sandwich for tea tonight from the local takeaway shop. They make really thick, yummy ones ,so it's our little weekly treat.

PAMELA, hope you had a good day at work yesterday. Thanks for clearing up "tunnels" for me. I had visions of those plastic cat tubes all throughout your house. !

SHELLEY, hope you are still able to work from your office, if that's what you prefer. I guess zoom sessions are much more difficult when dealing with clients

No more news to report. My cousin will come for lunch tomorrow, as usual and I've got her a couple of nose clips to wear with her mask, to stop her glasses fogging up . She's been having an awful time when trying to shop, because her glasses fog up so much that she can't see the prices of everything..

Have a great Friday everyone.

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10-12-2021, 09:15 AM   #2

Re: Friday daily

Hello Dinky and Pamela,
So far not had a letter advising home working so will carry on going in, I break up on Friday for a couple of weeks.
Going to walk the dogs, do a quick clean up, then some doll work.
Dinky, sounds like you've had a good day with your knees and glad to hear Dickens has too.
What's dragons breath pudding please?
Pamela, what are you up to today?

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10-12-2021, 11:49 PM   #3

Re: Friday daily

Evening Dinky and Shelley,

Dinky, glad your knees are a bit better and you were able to go out an about. You must be excited to see Paddy!! I hope you have a lovely reunion with him. Glad Dickens is continuing to do well Your flan sounds lovely!!

Shelley, i was in the office yesterday and it was so nice to have human interaction instead of in teams. I hope you enjoyed your dog walk.

I was out last night for my new teams night out. Was a god wee night, I got Steven to pick me up about 1020pm and the rest went onto a a karaoke bar!

Was working today. Managed to finish early as we were at a friends wedding reception tonight. I sat on the couch and fell asleep for an hour though and woke up just before Steven got home. Oops!!! The wedding was an hour and a half drive each way and we stayed for about that time. We didnt know anyone except the bride so really just went to give her and her new husband a card and say hello. She was at my wedding all day 5yars ago so i wanted to make the effort. Was a good drive though as we had Stevens new car which is lovely! Just had a McDonalds as we hadnt had dinner and heading to bed shortly. Off to the christmas markets in Glasgow tomorrow and doing a little bit of christmas shopping as well.

Have lovely weekend both and will catch up tomorrow

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