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16-01-2016, 07:42 PM   #1

Snowy Saturday

Good evening everyone.

Its been snowing here today so we have a lovely layer of it

Barney loves the snow, Mia isnt too sure but is getting there

We are having a relaxing night. Had a busy day with Mias training class and also a viewing for the house as we are selling.

Mia did exceptionally well at class today!! Won 1st prize for not breaking her sit/stay. She also got the 3rd best time in a wee agitlity course which was the first she has ever done it and got 6th place for a walk and sit game. Not bad for her 2nd class

Harris and Skye are enjoying watching the snow form te window in the comfort of their own home. They are not outdoor cats.

Hope you are all tucked up warm at home

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16-01-2016, 10:11 PM   #2

Re: Snowy Saturday

Hi Pamela and everyone else

WOW snow !!!!Your garden must look very beautiful. Barney will be in seventh heaven.

Lots of luck with the sale of your home. Hope it goes smoothly.

Mia is doing so well. You must be very proud of her. She must be a highly intelligent girl.

It's Sunday morning here and a bit overcast. I spent a couple of hours cleaning out a food cupboard in my destroyed kitchen last night.Honestly, the stuff I had to throw out. I don't go in to that part of the house as the floor is sloping and there is a lot of broken glass. The internal wall is still standing but is unstable, and that section of the house has been blocked off . It will all be knocked down soon anyway.

I'm heading off to the laundrymat now then will spend the rest of the day doing nothing - just how I like it.

Enjoy your weekend Pamela. Love to Harris, Skye, Barney, Mia and all other Catsey members and their pets.

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17-01-2016, 12:24 PM   #3

Re: Snowy Saturday

We have lots of snow here too. Will enjoy the dog walk later. No muddy paws!

Well done to Mia, our galgo, Riley loves agility and getting pretty good at it now!

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