anyone know what this means? (this is actually a moment by moment commentary....!!)
OK! Elvis & Tay are BOTH! yes BOTH!! upstairs, Tay is on the stairs & Elvis just on the landing.............BOTH asleep!! ASLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i literally CANT! well don't want!! to move! im stuck in my room, my dinners been downstairs for about a hour!!!
Elvis is layed out flat on his side & Tay is like a chicken with his paws underneath him!
does this mean anything in the cat world??
ooooo Tay just made a noise, Elvis is still alseep....... Tay making more of a getting closer...oh dear! ooo his gone back!!! Elvis not moved!! Tay back to being a chicken!! Elvis has put his head up!
im sooo bored and hungry!! dinner....just downstairs!! neck hurts!! don't want to disturb them!! ARGH!
oooo Tay is talking more now....and moved.... nearer!! Elvis just sitting and Tay talking more..........Elvis just spoke back!!! wish i had my camera!!!!!
ooo my back hurts!!
oooo Tay has gone and Elvis is now under the bed! and some poop has fallen out of Elvis's bum....oh how lovely!!!
better clean it up now! bet my dinners ruined!!
ah well! dinenr Was ruined & about 5seconds later Tay went to far and it turned into ww3 here! ah well! still another day tom!!