Kirah and Lyle went to the Teeside Cat Club show, it was their first show, today. They settled really well in their pens and were really relaxed playing and trying to get people's attention. They both handled extremely well for all their judges and did me proud. They have come away with a pile of rosettes and really seemed to have enjoyed themselves, although they are fast asleep now.
Kirah got 1st and Best of Breed in her Open class and 2 x 2nd's and a 3rd in her side classes.
Lyle got 1st and Best of Breed in his Open class as well over a very mature red-point who was 3 months older than Lyle. His open class judge also nominated him for Best of Variety kitten, although he didn't get that. He then went on to get 2 x 1st's and a 4th in his side class.
To say I am on cloud nine is an understatement.