Somethin's up with Lainey. She's been wheezing since Sat at about 8pm. Well not constantly. She's done this once before where it was like she had an "attack" and it lasted several hours. It's like sharp intakes of breath like something is caught in the back of her throat or kind of reminds me of when a ferret is about to pass a hairball.
I brought it up to my vet last time and we decided it was a fluke thing since it only happened once and some ferrets' respiratory systems are just more sensitive than others and she tends to be nosier than everyone else. The vet gave her a clean bill of health and all were satisfied.
This time it has not stopped. Of course my vet's not been open past 2pm Saturday and I do not trust our ER vet here with such a problem for a ferret so I am waiting to talk to my vet in the morning.
She isn't really playing. Kind of moping around and laying near me which is unusual for her. Sometimes she shivers. I haven't seen her eat her kibble but she's been getting soup and baby food and then again I wasn't watching very closely to her eating habits because we were crazy busy this weekend and I really thought it was just gonna be another fluke thing. So now it's almost 5am and I am on "Lainey Duty". I wanna evaluate her potties and her eating so I know exactly what's going on and when/if I need to start syringe feeding her.
If you give her tone or hairball remedy she wants it but then starts doing the sharp intakes of breath and runs away in fear. I've gotten a bit of those things down her plus soup but it is making me nervous if I have to force feed her because it seems like if you hold her chest a little too firm it irritates her into the sharp intakes of breath again.
She keeps staring at me and I keep offering her things. Baby Bear and Annie have an appointment on Thursday but I think I just might have to bring her in sooner if I can get a ride arranged.
Vet opens in several hours, I'll update in a bit. I'm gonna go sit with her now...
Please send good vibes for my baby that her breathing stablizes.