As most of you know i havent been very well the last few days. I wanted to share how amazing my OH has been especially last night.
When i went to bed, i proceeded to get back up and lay on the couch so not to wake OH. He told me if i needed anything just to wake him up. I managed to sleep until about 2am. I got up and felt really not well to the extent i wanted a hug. I went into see him and got my hug, he then came into the livingroom with me and lay beside me on the couch for about 2 hours to see if it would help me sleep. I eventually got off about 430am and OH went to bed. I thought this was soo nice as i have never been looked after like this before. He has also been looking after me really well today, rubbing my back when i was being sick and then going out and getting me orange tonight.
I just thought he deserved a wee mention as he has been amazing. Hope you all dont mind me posting this