I've started writing a poem specially for Catsey
Here's what I've done of it so far:
The Thing that makes me want to PURR
Is this Thing that humans do to me with their hands
And the Thing I like best is
When humans rub their hands on my back.
They call this Thing stroking
I don't know whether it's true
All I know is, it's something I want.
My favourite Thing is when my Mum
Goes on this website called Catsey
And talk about how all cats rule
And Catsey rules too!
Another Thing I like best
Is when my humans fetch the camera
I like having my picture taken!!
Because that's my favourite Thing!
I adore being picked up, snuggled and cuddled
Laps are purrfect as well
They are there for sleeping on
During the day, that is.
The best Things of all
Are hunting, snuggling and posing.
Sleeping on beds come high on the list of Good Things To Do
But the best Thing of all is