Scooter is 14 today!

However the last few days he has been a little "off" When he has come in he has sat down, then lay down then howled, then just as quick, got up and eaten his food! I wasnt sure what this was, old Cat, very hot temperatures, possibly exhausted due to no water all night, being a Cat that will not stay in, or perhaps a bit of pain, as he has had painful back legs before, being harrassed by next doors dog!
He has a very slight heart murmur, no fluid around his lungs as far as they can tell, and they are not sure this would cause the problem anyway as he doesnt display typical symptoms of a Cat with a heart problem, normal temperature, his legs feel ok, but then they never feel pain at the Vets do they!

he has anti-inflammatories for over the weekend, if that doesnt help, he will be back in next week for an ECG and an Ultra-sound. Hope my ginger Mog is ok.