Weird one this, any suggestions?
Jessie (17 and a half) had a slightly swollen chin, she is always rubbing it, always has done but it had a couple of grazes on it. I have been putting on Fuciderm which has helped, except I can see a couple more marks today. Scooter, came in the other day with 4 holes in his chin!! NOT like Jessie and he has been known to fight but not for years, he is the only Cat that goes off these premises.
The holes looked typical bite holes, and they typically filled with puss and I drained them and kept them clean. Now though, I am wondering if both the Cats have the same thing, both "chins" look the same and although they are not bleeding etc.. look sore and swollen. Any ideas?
I will try to get pics, the only similarity between these two Cats is that they always wash eachother, could there be something one has passed to another? Other 2 Cats are fine.