as some of you know trouble was due to see the vet today due to his diareah (sp) well we arnt long in and the vet says he has an infection, she doesnt think its fiv or cat flu which is good, his stomach is really bloated/gassy considering he was last fed last night and his inner eylids are up which is what led her to believe he has the infection, he has been given antibiotics (noraclave) which is for 5 days starting tonight 1 twice a day and he is on royal canin sensitivity diet over the weekend she gave me six sachets he is to get 1 and a half a day but little and often and no other food, and a seperate litter tray from strife and try to make sure he is using that one ( is gonna be difficult to make sure as the house is very small) if no better by monday iv to hand in a stool sample to be sent off to the lab. and if strife gets the squits iv to let them know asap, this is gonna be fun
he weighs 3.5 kgs already which means he is only half a kilo lighter than bella my adult lol