I've really enjoyed the foster cats over Christmas, no people coming to view them, no people coming to adopt them, no vets trips, no cats to go & microchip, no new ones coming & going & no phone calls to return ... it's been so quiet, but it'll all get back to normal when we officially get back to business on Monday
I'm going to get some help with vets trips etc, there's a lady who is coming to see me, who is really keen to get involved, she doesn't work, can drive & is bored & raring to go,
she's been visited at home by another CP lady & all is well, so hopefully she will start doing some of the running around for me, otherwise I don't think I can have so many cats in all the time. It's not looking after them, it's accomodating all the people who view them etc. (obviously they have to come & I enjoy them coming, but it gets a bit much sometimes) so I'm hoping this lady will start dealing with some people & doing some of the rehoming for me & the vets trips, which are also very time consuming.
I'll keep you posted.