Frontline Spot on
I popped into my vet this morning to pick up some more metacam for Merlin and asked the lady on reception if they had had any complaints from other "patients" about Frontline Spot on not working as it used to. She confirmed that the practice has had reports about this and are now prescribing another flea spot on treatment. The information is going to the senior partners who are in touch with the manufacturer. She said she thought it strange that the reliability of the product went down as soon as it started being available without prescription - the inference being that the "recipe" has altered.
I felt very reassured to know that vet practices do act on information passed to them by their customers - it is after all the only way that the drug companies get any feedback on their products. So if you have doubts about Frontline killing fleas on your cats or dogs, please let your vet know. I would think you all do that anyway, but just in case!
I am taking Merlin to the vet again next week and I'll ask about the alternative. Mags said that her vet prescribed Advocate, but I have looked at the contra indications for this product and there do seem to be question marks about use in elderly/poorly animals. I'll let you know what my vet practice is prescribing next week!