Reiki Therapy for Stressed out Cats
I'd just like to say that my experience of Reiki with my stressed out kitty, Eva, has been a huge success.
I would highly recomend it for those who have stressed cats or cats that stess easily.
I was very scepticle at first but since nothing else ever seemed to help her and we tried the lot, feliway, felifriend, rescue remedy, zylkene, to name a few products. None of these seemed to work.
The last 3 house sits I have been away on, Eva has been just fine, despitre me arming G with pro kolin, Hills sensitive foods etc. She hasnt needed any of them.
And as an added bonus she now poo's in the litter box at least every other day now, instead of not at all.
Will have to wait and see how the next vet visit goes but we cannt expect miracles.
In herself, she seems more relaxed and confident, less stiff in her movement while playing and not nearly as bad at beating poor Bernie up.