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angieh's Avatar
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06-06-2013, 09:58 AM   #1


Morning all. A bright lovely day here this morning but I've just read about Sal's passing and have wet cheeks. My thoughts are with Karen today and I send her virtual love and hugs and know how hard today will be for her and her family.

I am feeling a bit grotty today, the cold is coming out and earlier I felt as if my throat had been cut, it was so sore. After some breakfast and lots to drink, it is feeling a bit better. I have managed to get out and water the tomato plants in the greenhouse and tie in some clematis that wasn't sure which way to go. My lovely Kizzy has been shadowing me and making sure I got indoors safely again. I expect OH will be going to play golf later after he gets back with the dogs and I will retreat into my Kindle again today and maybe doze in the sunshine.

Have a good day folks.

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PoshPuss's Avatar
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06-06-2013, 02:18 PM   #2

Re: Thursday

I was so sorry to hear of Sal's passing too
I often think of my Bronnie and how much she made us laugh and that hard decision I had to make at the end but like Sal, it was not fair to prolong the inevitable for my sake.

Glorious day here today. Pottered around in the garden after having my hair coloured this morning, a bit windswept now but happier for having instant colour in my hair and my borders

Such a shame you are under the weather Angie, :/ at least you can relax outside and all the fresh air should shove that cold virus back into the world to bother somebody else! Happy Kindleing

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06-06-2013, 02:35 PM   #3

Re: Thursday

Busy in the office today. Some recruitment stuff, website stuff and new business stuff to do. Car is now all paid for - just need to arrange when to pick it up. Might have to wait until the weekend

Very sorry to read Karen's extremely sad news . . . Kazz, I'll be thinking of you today.

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06-06-2013, 07:42 PM   #4

Re: Thursday

evening all.
Sad to read about Sal, thoughts are with Karen and her family.
Sorry you are feeling unwell Angie, get better soon.
PP, glad you like you're hair colour.
Yola, a new car, how exciting.
Been to the dentist today as i have had a sore bit on my gums for a while, he had a good root around and took an xray of the nearby teeth as i was concerned the problem came from them. Xray fine so the problem is with my gum. Just need to use mouthwash for a while and leave it alone i guess.
Off out with my cousins now, see you tomorrow.

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