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24-05-2013, 07:40 AM   #1

that Friday feeling

Hello all, I did see the posts yesterday but not much news my end so didn't end up posting myself. I just can't seem to get my body going again, I've missed the gym for a month due to one thing and another and sort of dropped the habit. I really must get motivated again. I'm using the Wii Fit but it's not he same.

Glad that you girls are getting your gardens in order, I love picking out new annuals but it's still so cold in these parts yet that I'm reluctant to buy any and lose them to the weather. I have done a little bit of work to the lawn and borders and dug out a huge mass of mint that had spread like wildfire.

It promises to be a better weekend so will spend some time out there. Watching Chelsea has sparked my interest but also makes me feel very intimidated too

Have a good day today, see you later. x

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24-05-2013, 09:23 AM   #2

Re: that Friday feeling

Morning PP. and those to follow.

I am watching Chelsea too and to be honest it has not inspired me at all this year.....no idea why.

The wind here is kinda fierce by our standards hopeful blowing a better weather front in.

Have already changed the nets and cleaned windows inside and out....despite the howling gale. Got the first lot of nets in the machine almost ready to hang out and hope it stays on the line - I like clean nets. I would like no nets but living on an estate you are like a fish in bowl.

Going to blitz the bathroom and shower today.

P.P Go back to the gym if nothing more than "you" time maybe that's what you miss as well.

In fact its that windy I keep expecting a Wizard of Oz witch to fly past. Have a good day all.

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24-05-2013, 11:30 AM   #3

Re: that Friday feeling

Hello! Not much to report here either. Weather's rubbish . . . both the school photo and the afternoon triathlon have been cancelled at school and both boys are in long trousers today.

Dominik had a fantastic report card yesterday . . . an A1, A2 and an A/B1 and A/B2 (letter for attainment; number for effort) and the rest mainly B2s. This is way better than anything he's come up with so far in his schooling and as he's the youngest in his year I know he's worked like stink to reach these levels. *proud mummy*

We're off to view cars tomorrow (2nd hand Porsche Cayenne's to answer Karen's question from the other day) and then I have to spend at least a day up at my Mums helping her finalise the move bits and bobs and get my own stuff out of her garage

Have a lovely long weekend one and all!!

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24-05-2013, 01:31 PM   #4

Re: that Friday feeling

Yola that is fantastic really fantastic news about Dominik.
Good luck in searching for your Porsche - no idea what one looks like however the name Porsche should tell the story I imagine.

Weather here getting worse.......but should brighten by tomorrow so the forecast says.

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24-05-2013, 01:45 PM   #5

Re: that Friday feeling

Hello all. Rather windy here but not as strong as it sounds elsewhere but that may change

Yola - brilliant news about Dominik - it's must be wonderful to have a child that tries to do his best and good to know that his school recognises his effort. Good luck car hunting!

OH has just left to go to the cash&carry with our dog training pals to get catering stuff for the dog show which is only a week away (June 2nd). I am dog sitting.

I am going to make an asparagus risotto for supper - need something comforting and warming even though it's nearly June.

Have a good day all.

(PP - the title of the thread suddenly gave me an overwhelming urge to eat a Crunchie!)

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24-05-2013, 05:12 PM   #6

Re: that Friday feeling

You know I have not had a crunchie for years never really understood the need to eat them. More of an Areo person myself if pushed especially the orange one. But not really chocolate although saying that my sweet tooth has come to the forefront since my hysterectomy no idea why. Now I am equal savory and sweet.

Angie hope the weather stays well for your show next week. You really have settled into this dog world have you not - I know I have said it before but its true. Master Bogle has a lot to answer for

Yola Be careful your Mom does not charge you storage.

Well in between showers I have managed to plant one margarite up........ and have half built a hanging basket stand....supposed to hold 4 x 12" baskets I know that's small for baskets however it should be right surfina's but may do busy lizzies or maybe begonia's never really done begonia's ....hmm views/opinions anyone?

Still got two large baskets to do but got to return for more moss.......I do like the moss in the baskets its as decorative as the plants I think.

Edited to say my heart goes out to Elaine and G about Bernie

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24-05-2013, 06:07 PM   #7

Re: that Friday feeling

Just posted my condolences to Elaine and her family on the loss of her Bernie

You are right Kazz, I feel that I'm missing my 'me' time too. Booked some time with my niece who is joining me next week.

Angie, hope your asparagus risotto is a success, it's a good time for asparagus now.

Yola, you must be so proud of Dom, he has done so well. It's good to see kids who love learning and work hard to get good grades.

Just watching telly now and my heart is breaking for the family of Lee Rigby, God Rest his Soul, a young man cut down in his prime. Such an evil act of wickedness !

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24-05-2013, 06:39 PM   #8

Re: that Friday feeling

evening all.
Well done to Dominik on fantastic results, how lovely for you Yola.
Yes PP go and have some ME time, everyone needs it.
Angie, hope the dog show goes well
Karen, it is windy here too and i have seen the wicked witch of the east fly past
Busy morning at work, booked myself down to do another residential with the children at the end of July.
Home to walk the dogs, have my hair streaked, washing, cleaning bathroom,cleaning freezer, now i'm shattered ,lol
Off to the neighbours for drinks later

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