Well Tuesday night at work a customer/member public decided to block the customers use sinks in the WC's- and leave the taps running hence a flood.
No one noticed untl hometime 9pm when one of the girls metioned it to me. I went down to mop it up and slipped on the water I think knocking myself out. Ended up with a bump to the right of my right eye bruising swollen eyelid. Then couple hours later I went on to be sick hence I ended up at AE discharged yesterday mid morning and had the night off work looks like I might have a bit of a black eye swollen cheekbone and a swollen eyebrow.......

.............got a fair bit of a headache still taking a couple of paracetamol. I expect it will wear off the headache that is not my face.
Great eh. Oh well my advice do not argue with a solid piece of anything with your head. You will loose.