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pamela81's Avatar
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13-11-2024, 07:59 AM   #1

Midweek daily

Morning ladies,

On my way to work on the train so thought I would pop in!
Was off work on holiday for a few days last week which was very productive getting things in the house sorted. Dad is back from Thailand at some point today. I imagine he’s travelling just now. Been busy in work but not as bad as it was which is nice!! We are looking after Hamish on Saturday night so Robyn will be pleased to have a playmate!!!

Dinky, sooo nice to see you back. Glad the implant seems to be settling for you. Sounds like the time at brennas was what you needed. That’s lovely that you have grown fond of Stanley. How are the kitties? All doing well I hope. Janna will be glad to have you home as well. How was your physio appointment?

Shelley glad that things are going well being back in your own building. It’s always good to be back in familiar surroundings. How are your dad and Jet doing?

That’s my train just coming so I will say have a good day ladies and catch you later 😊

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Shelley123's Avatar
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13-11-2024, 10:28 AM   #2

Re: Midweek daily

Hello ladies, off work today so having a slow start.
Safe journey to your dad, Pamela, I expect he has lots of photos to show you.
I have got some sort of cold type illness that's going around work but am OK.
Tonight Howard and myself are having a torchlight tour around a stately home.
Dinky, hope you continue to do well.

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