Been laid up with Bronchitis since the Supreme so not been around really but wanted to share photos of Mister F taken by Robert Fox at the Supreme and share his good news.
Little man did really well winning his open class out of 6 top quality male neuters (3 of whom were qualifying cats for the champ status and the others had won multiple ICs as well), winning his 8th IC in the process and also taking Best of Breed .... by this point I was bouncing everywhere and completely over the moon but he also made it down to final 3 out of 21 neuters forward for BOV

Stunned was not the word!
Very chuffed with the little man and just hope he does as well next year when we can earn titles! He's on his hols now for 6 months after his last show this year in two weeks so there won't be much show news from the Soupie household for a while
and in this one he looks so haughty but he really isn't!