Good morning ladies,
I hope you both had a lovely Friday. I have my christmas Fayre today. Got loads of mats made in both sizes but i honestly dont think i will sell much as its not a dog show but will see. My neighbour is coming with me as its local and we get on well. Its nice to have company sometimes. Steven and her husband will come and meet us later then we are going for a few games of pool then dinner so looking forward to it.
Christmas shopping went well yesterday, got a few bits that i wanted so productive enough. I think im coming down with a bug as well as my throat has been sore and ive now got a cough on and on. Not covid as i have tested a few times this week to check.
Not really much else happening. Hoping its dry tomorrow as i need to do a bit of work in the garden before the dog walker starts on Monday as i dont want my garden looking like a mess. Also need to go to Stevens mums as his stepdad has made chocolates for my dad to give to people so need to pick them up as well.
Shelley have you got any doll fayres this weekend? Any update on your book?
Dinky, how has the weather been over there? I do hope it hasnt been too hot.
Have a lovely day ladies