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pamela81's Avatar
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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
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09-03-2012, 10:45 AM   #1

friday at last again!!

Morning everyone, up and organised to head to work good thing is though i booked a couple of hoursa holidays for tonight so i finish at 6pm instead of 8pm tonight!! not doing much tonight except maybe having a wee tipple but not much as we are heading out in teh car tomorrow afetr OH paints stuff onto the garage to hopefuly stop it from leaking!!

Harris says thank you for all his birthday wishes yesterday Hope you all have a lovely day and hugs to our catsey cats xx

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angieh's Avatar
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09-03-2012, 11:09 AM   #2

Re: friday at last again!!

Morning Pamela and those to come later. Glad the new car won't have to put up with a leaky garage ..... hope you enjoy your drive tomorrow, are you heading anywhere in particular?

Hope you are feeling better Lynz - I was sorry to see yesterday that you have a cold while on holiday.

My gardening man is here this morning. We had decided to have our little water feature restored as the pump had given up the ghost, we thought due to the cold last winter - it didn't work at all last year .... a self-seeded goat willow had grown down into the pond and the roots were actually in the pump itself. Luckily the pond liner is still intact (goodness knows how). It's all stripped out and clean now. We ordered a new pump yesterday online and it arrived this morning, so with any luck the water feature will be working again soon. The birds so love to have a little shower bath and to drink from it ...... photos to follow when it's all restored.

My old hen house has been dismantled and will be going to a new home where it will again have chickens living in it, so that's great news .... and a space has appeared where hopefully I will now be able to have a small potting shed ... things are beginning to come together in my head, if not quite in reality yet!

Have a good day everyone. I think our Catsey cats could do with little ear scritches today from me! (I'm sure "scritches" was an Eileen word )

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