26/04/2004 - 04/052005.
I first saw Toby when he was just 3 days old and fell in love with him there and then he was so beautiful. My ex was buying him for me for my birthday and christmas last year and he was going to be my new show and stud cat but mostly a beloved pet. I got him when he was 5 months old and immediately all the other cats accepted him. He was so laid back and loving. He would by fast asleep then all of a sudden he would dash over to me with a little cry as if he had had a panic attack and needed my comfort. I had named him Toby after his Great Grandad who unfortunately had died at a young age, 3 years, and whom he looked like.
When he was nine and a half months old I had to go to my friends, Toby's breeder, for a weekend so my mum came to look after the kids and animals. While I was away she phoned me and said Toby was missing me and sulking. I just thought he'll be fine when I get home. What a mummy's boy. I came home on the Sunday and he still wasn't right. He wouldn't come to me or eat. He just lay in one place. I took him to the vets on the Monday and they took bloods, sounded him temperature etc and gave him some anti-biotics. The bloods came back all clear there was a slight temp but nothing dire. The pills didn't help and he began to just wee where he was laid. My beautiful boy was so ill but with what the vets couldn't find out.
The vets had him back in to scan his kidneys as Persians are prone to PKD but that too was clear. On the 3rd May 2005 he walked across the room towards me and collapsed. I rushed up to the vets in floods of tears. They admitted him to the hospital and put him on a drip overnight. I rang first thing the next morning and they told me to come straight up as he had rejected the drip and been put in a oxygen tent and was now fitting. That 30 minute drive to the vets was the hardest journey I have ever made.
The nurse brought my beautiful baby to me. He couldn't focus on me and wasn't aware of anything but just for a second as I kissed and said goodbye he let out a tiny cry. I held him while they put him to sleep and then I brought him home. On the 5th May 2005 I had him cremeted and to this day I have his casket at home where he belongs.
His show name was Sasharmey Taken By Storm and Toby you really took my heart by storm. You may be gone but you will never ever be forgotton or replaced.
Go play with your Great Grandad Toby until we meet again.
All my love my precious Toby.