I was really chuffed because Pudding had put on a good amount of weight 2 weeks ago at the vet, however I know think it may have been partially fluid. I had her in then because her breathing seemed laboured but the vet could find nothing apparent and we thought it was probably the heat.
Over the weekend I noticed she was looking a bit pot bellied, I pretty much thought it was bad news, and it was fluid in her abdomen.
The vet confirmed it this afternoon, and she doesn't have much longer with us. I'm going to try Frusemide to reduce the fluid build up, but I'm not doing any further investigation, she is now getting very stressed at the vet and the stress of today really wore her out.
I'm hoping the diuretic will keep her comfy for a bit longer, she's eating really well, but the next time she sees a vet will be at home to PTS. I don't think it will be long.