Hi everyone, I'm Kate. Some of you will probably know me from Dogsey and I have kept the same username to prevent confusion!
I have very recently just got two kittens. Jinx who is 12 weeks today and Aramis who is 20 weeks tomorrow.
What can I say, they are AMAZING!! I have been converted from a dog person to a cat person practically overnight!! (Though I obviously do still love my dogs).
We got Jinx at 9 weeks old and he is primarily my little boys cat but he is so amazing that within 24 hours I was dying for another but trying to talk myself out of it, I had enquired about Aramis first and really wanted him but never got any response via the phone or e-mail and ended up with Jinx instead. On Sunday on my lunch break at work something inside me said to just take another look and there was Aramis re-advertised as still in need of a home, it felt like fate! I rang the number and got through first time and so off I trundled after work to pick him up and have never looked back, he too is AMAZING!!
My vet says I'm on the slippery slope to becoming that mad cat lady!!
Anyway, I have had some piccys done today so as soon as my partner finishes with them I will get them uploaded.