Well i write this tonight with arms covered in blood and a heavy heart

You all know Elsa is a bit erm...strange due to various behavioural issues she has...shes very timid. petrified of people, cant stand to be touched etc
Well when she was a lot younger she had this attacking thing-v nasty at times!! And seemingly we had gotten through it...but it seems to have returned with a vengance. i was sitting on the sofa..she comes in...jumps on the sofa opposite to me and just watches (strange i know) and all of a sudden pounces over and just rips my arm to pieces...me screaming didnt help im sure but what could i do?!?!
She would NOT let go...she had her teeth and claws sunk right into the skin! As i'm here on my own (till monday) as mum is away on family business...i was genuinley worried. Managed to get to the kitchen (cat still attached min!) and get some water to throw on her...this finally got her off. And my arms by this time are just dripping red...Elsa then charges at my leg but i manage to thwart her attempt and have shut her away in the kitchen (with bed, litter tray and food-see im still caring!)
Now this was totally unprevoked and totally out of control!! Her timidness is sorta forming into visciousness-she has been attacking Clementine for no reason and hissing at the dogs (bar her florrie!)..
I thought maybe it was because of Ralph entering the house....but as it was pointed out she had started to become more 'viscious and odd' prior to his arrival. I really don't know what to do...i've spoke to the vet NUMEROUS times..and we have tried EVERYTHING!!
Behaviourists...the advice they offer and actions they take just seems to make her more strung out TBH

reading all the books
LOADS of tests to see if she has something medically wrong with her.
Tried seperating her from the other pets
Tried doing things on her terms
tried keeping her as a house cat-this didnt work so tried letting her come and go as she pleases
Tried all the 'relaxant' sprays/oils *i think thats right* and everything
tried clicker training
tried food reward basis
NOTHING will work-she had a phase where she made progress but it dwindled away for some reason..
What do i do?
She has not YET been speyed...this is something we are in the process of organising...but the vet is very inclined to have a fool proof plan of how/when to do it so it will cause Elsa as little as distress as possible..i have been told this may make a slight difference to her behaviour..but its the temperament that seems to be a bit iffy at the moment

I could cope with her being timid and not being able to touch her...but i can not (and IMO shouldnt be expected) to cope with a pet that attacks people and the other pets for no reason.
For benefit of newer members...Elsa came from a strange friend of a friend of my aunts who in actual fact is nowt but a filthy BYB!!...her littermates (bar one) died shortly after birth..she was fostered off to a persian with a litter of a similar age sired by the same cat...but they were kept in this sorta cubby hole/cupboard thing in a library/study-NO human socilisation. This topped off with being v-ill when she first came here and having to be at the vets all the time...and hardly at home for the first few months (on and off) of her time here!-we knew this had 'scarred' her (according to our vet) but maybe its a little deeper than we thought...
So do you have any ideas/advice to try/give?!?!?!