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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,209
15-09-2021, 06:35 AM   #1

Sunny Wednesday

Good morning everyone. It's Wednesday 5pm here and it's been quite a warm, sunny day, which makes a change from the heavy rain and strong winds we've had over the past few days. The south island has been in Level 2 this past week, although it's a lot stricter than our previous Level 2. Only allowed a maximum of 50 for all indoor gatherings now and masks are mandatory when you step outside your home. Still no covid cases in the south, so once again, we seem to have dodged the bullet. Let's hope it lasts. Janna can't get her first vaccine until 1 October, but my sister is getting her first one on Thursday, thank goodness.

Dickens is a lot better with the antibiotics, although it's so hard to get him to take them. He's really scared of me now when I approach him and runs away.. He's got another few days of them and then hopefully i can get him groomed next Tuesday. If he's still not right, I'll take Betsey. At least I've got the appointment for one of them on that Tuesday. at 3pm.

Frederick got groomed/partly shaved last week. He looks rather odd now, but at least he must be more comfortable. He was dreadful and yowled all the time, but didn't bite. She didn't finish combing out his back as he started getting really distressed at the end and began to shake. He didn't have any big knots on his back anyway, and I've managed to comb him since he's been home ,so all is well.

Still finding it really hard to get cat food here. I went to the local supermarket yesterday, but couldn't get it. Managed to get a couple of cans at New World today, so all cats will be extra happy tonight. I can still get their RC biscuits though, but not their wet food. The cats got a wee treat yesterday. At the local freebie bin, someone had put a brand new portable baby bath with folding legs, still in its box. I was a bit mean to all the babies out there, but I took it, put a blanket in the bottom of it, and the cats love it to lie in. It's really cool looking - teal silicon sides and white legs.

My cousin came round last Saturday for lunch and she came round again on Monday for a cup of tea. She brought Sinda, her Goldie,with her and it was nice to have a dog in the house again. Cats didn't appreciate it though. Oh yes, just recently I entered a competition to win a hamper full of frozen raw dog meat. Well I won it !!! just when I don't have a dog, but Sinda will love it. It won't be sent until the Level 4 lock down in Auckland is lifted, but there is no rush anyway. Willow would have loved it. Trust me to win something I can't use..

Still no word from Paddy. I know he's out of MIQ and is in Hamilton, renting a house while they look to buy. a property up that way..Paddy has always been very difficult and so I'm not going to try and contact him, even though I'd love to see the children.He will eventually make contact. I just hope he contacts Janna on her birthday at the end of this month. I know she'll be very hurt if he doesn't.

PAMELA, you seem to be having a spell of miserable weather lately What a pain. I'm thrilled you did so well at the fair recently and made lots of money. Fancy going to London on your birthday next month. That sounds like fun.I bet you are busy now, with work and college. How is your course going ? Is it a heavy work load ? I hope you can find a bit of time to relax, get out running and go for rides on that new bike of yours.I'm sure you'll meet some nice people on your course too. Enjoy Breaking Bad. I haven't seen it, but I've heard it's good.

SHELLEY, I hope you are now fully recovered from your fall and have no lingering after- effects. That doll fair sounds good and I'm pleased that you, too, sold lots. I love the sound of the baby Jesus doll that you bought. Where are you going to display it ? Also, Shelley, you said that the other doll you bought has a lovely provenance. What does that mean ? Is it something to do with facial expression. ?

KAZZ and YOLA, hope all is well with you both.

I'm off now to make some tea - fish ,yams and veges tonight and I'll make some cheese sauce as well .It's starting to get a bit chilly now, so I'll turn the heat pump on and heat up the lounge.

Have a really good Wednesday everyone.

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