My beautiful girl Luna was born.
The humans said you all looked like ickle hippoes:
(not Luna)
This is the first time I saw you and your siblings 3 weeks old. You aren't there though, you were out exploring
We visited you every 2 weeks, but it wasnt untill our third visit, that we were told, it was you who was coming with me home.
You and your siblings were growing like weed.. This is our second visit, You were 5 weeks old:
Then came the moment... Now I knew who I was bringing home, and you felt perfectly at ease
7 weeks:
And then you came home 8½ weeks old:
You kept growing:
4 months old:
Into this:
Last easter we went to see your mum and a sibling, you all had great fun and there were no problems at all, it seems like you had always been together
with your sister (Luna closest and Bella in the back):
Your mum:
You are the best thing I have ever given myself!!!!
I love you sweetpea