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15-01-2010, 11:27 AM   #1

1st time letting a kitten outside

Hi, i am really worried about letting my kitten out for the first time. Hes not big enough just yet will be a few weeks yet. I am having a cat flap fitted before he goes out. Has anyone any tips, I am frightened that he will run away!

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15-01-2010, 11:58 AM   #2

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

Hello Rachel, welcome to Catsey!

How old is your kitten and how long have you had him? I wouldn't be in a huge hurry to let him out, it's not compulsory a lot of cats have a great life as indoor only cats.

If he's going out, he needs first of all to be very content in his own home so that he won't be likely to stray too far! I would have him castrated first if you haven't already done that, entire boys can stray a lot in search of females and put themselves at risk of road accidents.

I would wait until the Spring to be honest, then he can really enjoy pottering around in your garden. Our cats were terrified when they first went out and Molly, although being carried at the time, screamed to come back in. I knew then that she was never going to be a straying cat. Jason isn't a strayer either although he had a big adventure at 6 months old when he climbed up an 80 foot tree (heart-stopping morning ) Neither of mine tend to go out of the garden now, they're well-rooted at home, and I think it's because they didn't go out too early or maybe I was just lucky that they're not adventurous cats on the whole.

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15-01-2010, 12:12 PM   #3

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

Im not sure how old he is. He was a stray kitten that someone we know found in the bad weather (curled up in a gutter). We have looked for his owners but nothing!! I have had him here now for 2 weeks. I am due to take him to the vet next saturday for his vaccinations (I was waiting to seee if we could find his owners). I am guesing that he is about 12 weeks old. He has setled here great and is a very confident little thing. We have totally falled in love with him. Havnt had a lot of experience with cats before, as I have a little dog (which the cat loves!!).

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15-01-2010, 12:21 PM   #4

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

Hello Rachel! Great that you took in that little mite - he wouldn't have survived otherwise.

MrsH's advice is good - make sure he's had his inoculations and is neutered before you even think of letting him out. If you have a garden take him out with you or let him out just before a meal time, so he wants to come back in to eat!

I have a 7 month old who is going out supervised atm. He got stuck up a tree this morning and would have fallen if my OH hadn't been there to catch him. Tree bark is very wet and slippery just now. He is a very confident and adventurous sort and I have similar worries to you about how he'll do out on his own.

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15-01-2010, 12:28 PM   #5

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

Thanks for all your advice, I was under the impression that as soon as they had they inoculations you could let them out Thank goodness Ive asked for some advice. I have been looking through the forum for tips and advice. Lots to learn. But its great fun, he is just so cute and loving. Hes running up and down the stairs at the moment like a total loony!!

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15-01-2010, 12:45 PM   #6

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

Every cat is different--And despite 25 years of having cats only twice were they kittens.

Carry them,make sure they feel confident and let them free-keep chattering away and encourage them to play--repeat.

Kittens/cats are not stupid-they can spot a good home from miles away.

Love,food and a warm home will make sure they never stray

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15-01-2010, 12:56 PM   #7

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

Hes running up and down the stairs at the moment like a total loony!!

Now is the time for `velvet claws` play by all means but a tap on the feet if he claws you . Then if he does a kiss and a cuddle.

Even a boy cat can learn that toys are for kicking and biting but human hands are for a cuddle and maybe a lick

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15-01-2010, 05:22 PM   #8

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

I can't improve on the above advice; spot on. Mine have always been indoors only due to circumstances, but were harness trained and thoroughly enjoyed their outdoor walks. Your kitten sounds like a little poppet, any chance of pics? We do love pics here!

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16-01-2010, 06:21 PM   #9

Re: 1st time letting a kitten outside

I'm new to this site and have got four cats. What I did when I wanted to let them out was wait till the weather gets better I got a lead and took them out so they could get all the smells etc. When I took the lead off I made sure I went out with them and the door was open so anything that upset them they knew they could run back in the house. It seemed if they knew I was out there and could hear my partner and myself they felt safe. Hope this helps Mandy.

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