Hello, it's that MadCatLady again!!!
Just thought i'd give this a go... no pressure... well I might send RigbyBigBear round to administer justice

but otherwise if you can help please do if not
thank you for reading & bear us in mind for the future!
I, for my sins, am the Fundraising Manager for a small, local (to Norfolk), animal rescue association called Castaways Animal Rescue. We are prodominantly involved in the rescue, rehabilitaion & re-homing of cats in particular those classed as 'feral' although we do involve ourselves with wildlife & other small pets.
Below is a list of items we require either to aid us with the welfare during the rehabilatation/fostering period of these animals or stuff we can use to raise funds!!
Fleeces, blankets & towels for bedding.
Unwanted cages, crates, carriers, food bowls and litter trays (preferably clean!?) for the rescued cats to use during rehabililatation.
Shredded paper... you are supposed to shred all confidential waste now but most councils will not allow it to be recycled as it clogs the machines up... we use it for cat litter, it's great for kittens in particular!
Foil food dishes (the sort pies & chinese takeaways come in, any size, washed up please!) for pie making!
Cotton, pale coloured double bed sheets - to make table cloths out of! 6 or 7 required, the paler in colour the better as will be dying them the rescue centres new colour scheme which is a rather stunning purple & yellow!!
Any odds bits of fabric, beads, lace/trim for decorating gift boxes & cards etc.
Sheets of labels - any size for labelling Jams etc
Laminating pouches.
Large luxury type fabric for displaying our hand painted glass on!!
Several large very sturdy cardboard or plastic boxes/crates and shoe box sized boxes.
A display stand for cards & calendars.
Jars - any size or shape, but in particular baby food jars, for jam & chutney!
Unwanted gifts like smellie sets, candles & toys/books for tombola/raffle prizes.
Various sized woven baskets to make sets of 'things' up!?
Glassware - plain & uncut for us to hand paint with animals & sell.
Nearly new clothes/shoes & bags.
Also any fayres or events we could hold a stall at are always good news! I am happy to collect 'stuff' although I drive a vintage mini called Rupert and so have to make arrangements for larger transport, of course for obvious reasons I would rather not travel 200 miles for 5 jams jars!! Ungrateful I know!?

But if people can post smaller items or arrange for one big collection in one area thats all good for me!!
Hope my groveling has not offended anyone and feel free to PM if you have questions or post on here & i'll catch up with you!!
Ta ever so!!