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JBalways2000's Avatar
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07-05-2008, 12:36 PM   #1

Bladder problems again, advice please

i started a thread about Raven a couple of weeks back because he had bladder problems. he was taken to the vets and put on a 5 day course of anti bs which seemed to do the trick so he was vaccinated a week later. however, the last 2 days hes showing signs of bladder problems again only maybe a little worse. he started going outside the litter tray and this morning i have seen him straining to go on the carpet but he doesnt appear to be able to. hes still eating and drinking and i gave him plenty of gravy with his dry food this morning. hes showing no signs of pain at all, i even had a feel and press of his belly and it didnt bother him. could this be another infection or something worse?

we have an appointment for first thing friday morning with our usual vets but i will take him sooner if he hasnt gone for a wee soon. i did order a urine sample collection kit after he had problems so i will try and get a sample to bring with me too. any more advice is welcome.

he does honestly seem fine still, hes definately still himself apart from washing himself down below more again and todays straining so fingers crossed its another infection and not something worse!

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angieh's Avatar
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07-05-2008, 01:07 PM   #2

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

If I were you I'd take Raven to the vet before Friday if at all possible. Sounds like an infection but these things can gallop off if not dealt with quickly. Your wee collection kit sounds just the thing - can I be nosey and ask exactly what it consists of? Some people use a saucer! .... but of course if he's not weeing .....

Cats mask pain exceedingly well and some of the members here at Catsey have personal experience of cystitis, let alone having cats with it - it's not at all nice!

Good luck - do let us know how Raven gets on. ****HUGS****

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07-05-2008, 01:23 PM   #3

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

this is the kit i got: http://www.vetuk.co.uk/index.php?mai...uct s_id=1219

it seems good but as you said unless he actually goes its useless.

i did want to get him in sooner but thats the earliest they had i havent been able to check if hes pee'd anywhere yet but if he hasnt by this afternoon i might try and get him seen as an emergency.

and yes, i too have way too much personal experience of cystitis, hope Raven isnt doing it out of sympathy for me!

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07-05-2008, 04:15 PM   #4

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

i managed to get him in for 4.45pm today so my fiance is on his way to the vets now with him. the poor little guy has spent most of the day straining all over the place with no luck. he did cheer up when i put a bowl of cat milk down for him though hehe hopefully its not as bad as we think but will update when they are back from the vets.

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07-05-2008, 05:35 PM   #5

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

hes at the vets we are having to leave him there overnight and he is going to hate that, i feel awful. the vet had a good feel and said his bladder is full and its lucky we got him up tonight because he might have gone into kidney failure. they are going to put him under and drain his bladder tonight and ring to let us know whats what. please send lots of healing thoughts Ravens way, we need them right now my poor baby, hes not even 2 years old. im so worried

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07-05-2008, 05:38 PM   #6

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

Oh I am so sorry JB! What a good thing you persisted and got him into the vet tonight. It's horrible and worrying to have to leave him there but he's in the right place and just don't think about what might have happened if you hadn't taken him.

Lots of healing vibes for Raven and ***HUGS*** for you. Please let us know how he gets on.

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07-05-2008, 05:46 PM   #7

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

I'm so sorry to hear Raven is being kept at the vets overnight but he's in the best place with people who will look after him and get him better.

Loads of healing vibes being sent to him ......((((hugs))))

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MrsH's Avatar
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07-05-2008, 06:08 PM   #8

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

I'm sure the vets will be looking after him well. What a good job you managed to get an earlier appointment for him, he must have been so uncomfortable.

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JBalways2000's Avatar
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07-05-2008, 06:22 PM   #9

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

thanks everyone, im getting so anxious waiting for the phonecall but he did have to finish his appointments and said it would be after surgery so i need to be patient.

i know, it must be very painful for him but when we had lunch we locked the other kitties away and kept him out with his milk and he was so content, brushing against us and flipping over and vibrating his tail bless him. this will be the first night since we got the kitties that we wont be with one of them so that will be hard for us too.

the rest are still snoozing but im sure they will be missing him later too.

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07-05-2008, 06:22 PM   #10

Re: Bladder problems again, advice please

I agree you did the best thing of getting him in. Simon one of my cats is exacly the same. Simon and Guinness are sending him a big purr and a big cuddle from me as well.
Please let us know how he gets on.


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