Think Im being a bit daft here, but on Tuesday I bought what I would term as a "cheap" cat food, a dry one as a snack and a change, not as a food as such, it was Purina Omega Cat. Well they all loved it!! (traitors

Wednesday Schnapps had the runs, not bad just loose really but she wouldnt eat, but was drinking more than normal. She ate late on the night. She ate brekkie yesterday, but not her tea, but again ate last night, she ate this morning. She is drinking more than usual but coupled with the fact she had loose motions (which are now ok) and all the dry food I thought it was that.
Anyways, I am going on holiday next week and my Father is coming to look after Rosie Papillon and the 2 she cats. Its been nagging at me in case she is brewing something, perhaps a kidney problem with the extra drinking? So I took her to the Vet tonight for some routine bloods in case. Physical exam shows her in fine health, but I wanted to be safe rather than sorry, especially with leaving them with somebody else. So results tomorrow! Fingers crossed.