Hi everyone, I saw a link to here when someone else on another forum had asked about good cat forums and here I am! a good cat forum is hard to find so I'm hoping this might just be the one, it certainly looks very friendly
Im Vicki and I'm a veterinary Nurse from Newcastle. I'm going into my 7th year of nursing now and although somedays theres bad days I thoroughly love my job! I also like to draw, read and I'm addicted to forums! I try to play a part in rescue and welfare situations too and I've fostered many animals along the way from cats and dogs to rabbits and guineas, I've handraised many a kitten and a few pups and helped to rehome a lot of unwanted souls too. Rescue is very important to me

I have a large family of furry creatures that include 4 delightful moggies who go by the names of Daisy Boss-Cat (DSH) who is 8, Willow (DLH) who is age unknown but we estimate at about 8-10, Logan (huge DSH poss X Bengal) who is mommies little man and is 4 and lastly Hattie the worlds worst kitty whom I hand raised and she is 3. Also ruling the roost I have 3 dogs - Bizkit a X EBT/Whippet, Skye a X Lab/? and Scampy a toy Poodle, and to add more there are 4 rats and 10 rabbits! Quite a handful and they keep me very busy but I wouldnt have it any other way (part of the job description!), everyone of my pets including all the small furries are rescued. Someones loss is my gain