Baby Bear (the ferret) is sick..
To make a long story short, Baby Bear's has an upset tummy. Green liquid diahhrea. I dropped off a fecal sample at the vet but no results yet as they were slammed when I went there (literally--a line out the door an hour from closing time!!). They are open half day tomorrow so hopefully the vet calls me back tonight or tomorrow morning so if something needs to be done it can be with his regular doctor.
He played a little but you can tell his tummy hurts. I picked up some pedialyte on the way home as his scruff is not bouncing back like I'd like it to and I'm gonna give him some soupies because I'm not sure how he's been eating today (been kind of a crazy 24 hrs so wasn't able to observe him as much as usual).
I hope the vet calls me soon. My thoughts originally were ECE and then I thought maybe parasites and now it seems to be less bright green and this last one had a bit more brown to it although still the consistency of water (poor kid!!) so now I am starting to wonder if he has some kind of blockage but I don't know how I could have missed anything as they've only been in THEIR ferret proofed room as of late. And ECE, well our newest kid is Pino who has been here two months so why this late and why only him?? And parasites, well Solomon had worms when we first got him so that's possible...
I don't know. I haven't had much sleep in the last 24 hours and I'm running on empty so everything feels confusing right now because I'm not thinking straight. I'm going to syringe him some pedialyte and give him some soupies and then take a nap and maybe my head will be more clear when I wake up.
Needless to say, I'm worried.
Good vibes please?..Thanks.