Some thoughtful answers here already.
Sorry for the belated reply but only just read this. So sorry you feel so torn.
and it's great you are thinking of your cat's quality of life, but you must think of your own needs too. 1st off, animals do pick up our stress, so while your dear girl is very sensitive (my boy is quite similar when it comes to being shut in) and you have that very special bond, if you are in an abusive situation your cat will pick that up even if her anxiety is based on many other things.
Your cat currently has access to outdoors, I take it? and you are worried if you move you may no longer be able to offer her this, or the change from what she is used to may be too much? It may not be as bad as you think, as Kirsten has said, if the worst came to the worst and you had to temporarily foster her-foster carers do genuinely love and know how to be around all types of cat-, at least she would be safe while you look around for a new and better life for you both. If you could just find a person you trust, in a quiet home, who could help just while you figure things out, that may be worth considering. Try and think positive. In the meantime just research your options. It may help to make list of what you do and don't want, and what you are and aren't prepared to do, (hide it!). A 'plan of action' will help you to narrow down things and really focus on action you may be able to take towards a step in the right direction that will benefit you both.