Where I've been ( or not

) just to let you know I haven't forgotten you.
On Jan 15th I had the shocking discovery of my better half, Ceri, on the kitchen floor, face down, but thankfully able to stand up after me shouting at him and bringing him round. He had right-sided weakness and was very confused.A 999 ambulance was called and the rest of the day was spent in A&E and the medical assessment unit; CT scan, bloodtests, lumbar punctures, MRI scans followed. We finally discovered he's had a very rare stroke affecting his thalamus and parietal lobe. Physically ok, he's still very confused and has no short term memory to speak of, calls me by different names and has very little recall of memories of our life together.
I've taken photos and other things to help,ie, music and books but he's non-plussed by it all. It's very distressing for him and me and the family.

Although he's now on a rehab ward for cognitive therapy, he doesn't understand why he needs to be in hospital.
My life is so mixed up at the moment, and hectic,please forgive me if I don't post much but keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I have faith in the power of love and hope that will see us through this awful time.
Posh is missing her Dad's lap and getting a bit of spoiling from me. She's lost her big furry pal Bron on Dec 29th and now this, poor lamb! She hates it when I'm gone visiting, thinks she's been abandoned!
I'll try and pop on Catsey when I can but my time is limited now. God Bless you all.xxx
Annette/ Poshpuss.