Hi, guys!! *runs around and hugs Catsey*
Some software unintentionally blocked my IP address from Catsey but the wonderful Az has fixed it and I am back!!!
We are all well. K still has physical limitations but emotionally much more adjusted. He has some nerve damage in his legs from the blood clot surgery that appears to be permanent which they warned us of. He cannot stand for very long and can only walk short distances. But he's perfectly capable of driving and does well if we use a scooter cart at the store.
I am building my muscles doing all the heavy lifting around here and beginning to feel like Wonder Woman
Kuan Yin and Hestia are fine now but we had a scare for Hestia was gone as she darted out the door and was missing for about a day/day and a half. She came home very cold and hungry with a bit of an eye irritation and now does not try to dart out the doors so much anymore
Looks like we will be keeping this house or if we do move it won't be for another year or two. So that is nice to know. I'm a big planner so of course I'm already planning for worst case scenario but nothing should really be happening soon *fingers crossed, i want a boring, dull life for once!*.
K's stepdad had surgery on his foot and is retiring early from being a schoolteacher , this is the fourth surgery to fix the same problem and was going to be his last year anyway. He has to stay off his foot for three months!

K's mom is getting screened for cancer (she had breast cancer awhile back that she beat) because her bloodwork is looking strange for unknown reasons and she takes very good care of herself so it is really weird. K's sister is getting screened too as her smear came back with problems again (has happened in past) which is a little disheartening for her because she just got married last month, is 35, and wants to have a baby very badly.
My ferrets are all good. Annie turned one years old, I can't believe it.
And...I have become a foster mum to two elderly/"unadoptable" ferrets, I will start a new thread for them. We just took them in yesterday, they are really sweet and have had it rough and I have time and space for them to spend the rest of their days in a home rather than a cage so it is my way of giving back for all the blessings..plus they are dolls and I just love them.
Oh and I've also taken up embroidery, still learning but I really love it. You can bet each furkid is gonna have a monogrammed blanket or bed from now on

Hmm I think that is all that has gone on, I'm sure glad to be back!