Yesterday I brought our new male cat home from the vets (he was neutered) and put him in a spare room and didn't introduce him to any of our animals cause I didn't want him to get too stressed...
Today I introduced him to Snežka, our youngest (apprx 4 months) kitten and was fully expecting some hissingg and grumbling.....but they just sniffed and Snežka was a bit affraid of him (but no growling, hissing etc) but both were very curious. It surprised me cause I always tought they would hiss and that this is normal when introducing new cats...I mean even Gaia, our very friendly and gentle cat hissed a little bit at first when we introduced Snežka (tho it was kind od Snežka's fault cause she jumps at her and want to play but Gaia doesnt want to)...
Anyway, not complaining, I just find it interesting
Oh - He still has two pairs of upper canine teeth (you know - milk teeth and normal teeth), which surprises me cause I tought he was older. But than if he is chainging his milk teeth with new ones he must be around 3-4 months which would make him roughly the same age as Snežka. Purrfect