okay, so i got it in my head a few days ago i should make something for my ferret boys. i don't have a lot of money so homemade stuff would be nice.
a LONG time ago i picked up a small piece of halloween fabric in the "throwaway bin" for fifty cents. i remembered i had it and decided to give the boys something for halloween.
now ferrets like to burrow for sleep and my boys love pillowcases. so i TRIED to do a makeshift pillowcase with the small uneven bit of fabric i had. i lined it with fleece inside for comfort (it was around the house and FREE).
okay, keep in mind no one has EVER taught me how to sew and i don't own a sewing machine so i had no idea what i was doing. it was pretty much "make thing stick together and not fall apart" philosophy and i winged it.
it's obvious in the pics it is not straight and perfect but ferrets don't care about that and as long as it's comfy and mommy can feel like she gave them a present then that's the whole point.
k, bit scared to show these, but you're all nice so what the heck..it's definitely wayyy amateur so don't expect anything grand
first glance
how it opens for a ferret (shows lining)
toy model shows how a ferret would use it
another example
and finally where it fits in the bottom of the cage (the rest was taken off as it's cleaning day and i was scrubbing it down..and yes, they like to sleep near their litter box