Just as I had discovered the roofs of the buildings (three floors of up!

(Hreow)), my pets started to do strange things. They brought in a lot of boxes (yay!) but instead of leaving them open to be filled by my fair person, they put things in, and every time I jumped in to help, they grumbled and lifted me out. Hrumph! Mind, the resulting towers were really nice, once I had found out which ones didn't avalanche (no, my butt is *not* too big - not the problem at all - nor am I a fumblebutt, whatever that means).
Then came a really bad bit where I was caged and put in the big cage that won't stop to let me chide dogs or explore nice new paths.

Least said about that the better.
I ended up still in the cage, in a bathtub in a strange place while shoving, rumbling and other interesting things went on without me. She-of-the-lap eventually opened the cage door and I could have a look. Some bits are nice, like the watchtower where I can spy on my servants to make sure they behave, and pounce if they don't.
There is a nice big window to do my birdwatching:
This chair always get me some attention (MY PC chair...grumble (Hreow)):
Turkey-treat woman needs a good slap, though. She's making me work for treats by hiding them in places where I have to stretch to fish them out:
"Halfway down the stairs
Is a stair where I sit:
There isn't any other stair quite like it."
A. A. Milne
Outside is a grand place to be! You've already seen the place where I jump over the fence, and then there is my private lawn and grass-supply:
This is a photo of what the closest outside looked like before the twoleggers dug up the beds and planted green stuff. I was suggesting carp and goldfish for the water-logged bed, but as usual they didn't listen to reason.
The garden leads onto lots of other gardens via a labyrinth of fences and crawlways and it now takes me five minutes of ernest sprint to get home for the treats from the farthest reaches of my kingdom.
I'll show you shots of my friends and enemies later, right now there is a warm spot on the bookcase and startlings to observe. I'll just add that the neighbours cat is a nice tortoise-and-white girl and we touch noses when we accidentally meet outside.
Tailwraps and snoooooooore