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13-02-2025, 12:04 AM   #1

Thursday Daily.

Good morning ladies,
Thursday morning here and it's an overcast sort of day, but it's not meant to rain. I've ordered some meals for all of us for the next 2 Saturday nights, as well as frozen desserts - such decadence - and I'm waiting for them to be delivered. That takes care of Mary for the next fortnight anyway. I want to have a shower but can't until these meals arrive. I'm really going to try hard to go outside today, even for a 5 minute walk down the street.It's not too hot, just the kind of weather I like. I'll probably chicken out at the last minute though.

No real news at the moment. Life is very quiet here. I made lasagne for tea last night and there'll be enough of it left for tonight as well. A nice, easy night for me.

Might go and put on some washing in a minute coz it's starting to warm up a bit How exciting!!!

PAMELA, how's that cold of yours? I hope you're feeling a lot better now. I suppose you're working hard as usual, still nearly the weekend now and you'll be able to go and do a bit more house hunting. Have fun !!!

SHELLEY, hope the week is going well for you and that you are also looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Let's hope there's some doll shows coming up for you in the near future.

Well ladies, I'll let you go now and go and look at the washing. Meals don't seem to be arriving any time soon. I hope they haven't forgotten.

Have a great Thursday Pamela and Shelley.

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14-02-2025, 02:00 PM   #2

Re: Thursday Daily.

good afternoon ladies

Sounds like you are organised for dinners Dinky!! I'm impressed!! Did you manage to get outside for a walk today? I hope you did What kind of frozen desserts did you get?

My cold is pretty much away except for the runny nose sometimes. But i have that anyway. Still house hunting as we havent seen anything we like yet. My neighbours house has now sold so thats good for us as it means we can go to market with ours at any time now.

Still working and running about after the girls!!

Shelley i hope all is good with you and your family

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