Violent attacks
I would like to tell you about something that happend to me. Tom's story has brought it up again.
Last year, my friends family had a surprise 40th for her. We left the party at about 12pm. With us were myself, partner. Her husband and two daughters, one was on crutches as she had a broken leg. Both were under 13.
Anyway we were attacked by a group of youths. FOR NO REASON exept her hubby is over 6ft and a good challange. How sad is that?
All were caught on CCTV and we are awaiting trial. All have been charged with attempted murder and are going to the high court in Edinburgh.
The really sad thing is the youngest at the time was only 14!!! What in Gods name are the parents doing???
Seemingly this group nearly kicked a homeless man to death (for fun) and that's what they did on a Sat night.
I was thrown infront of a car and kicked in the head a few times, but I came off lightly compaired to the rest.
Fortunatly something kicked in and I hid the girls first.
What is this place coming too????
It's not just the poor cats and dogs it's us too